
Exhibit 16


Costume design (Auerswald)

On December 23, 1918 the Czech National Theatre staged the important premiere of the dramatic poem Svatopluk by Vojtěch Martínek in the theatre in Veveří street. The stage director was the brilliant playwright, dramaturge and director Jiří Mahen who ascribed the great function of social education to the Brno theatre, more exactly to its dramatic company. According to him the theatre had to strengthen the national proud and self-confidence of the Czech public. This was also the reason for including this play into the dramaturgic plan of the first post-war season. Production designer was the director and artist Jaroslav Auerswald whose costume designs have been preserved in the collection of the Moravian Museum (see photograph). A rare photograph of the actress Anděla Novotná playing part of the princess has survived until today.